Node Filesystem Space Filling Up

NodeFilesystemSpaceFillingUp #

Meaning #

This alert is based on an extrapolation of the space used in a file system. It fires if both the current usage is above a certain threshold and the extrapolation predicts to run out of space in a certain time. This is a warning-level alert if that time is less than 24h. It’s a critical alert if that time is less than 4h.

Impact #

A filesystem running full is very bad for any process in need to write to the filesystem. But even before a filesystem runs full, performance is usually degrading.

Diagnosis #

Study the recent trends of filesystem usage on a dashboard. Sometimes a periodic pattern of writing and cleaning up can trick the linear prediction into a false alert. Use the usual OS tools to investigate what directories are the worst and/or recent offenders. Is this some irregular condition, e.g. a process fails to clean up behind itself or is this organic growth? If monitoring is enabled, the following metric can be watched in PromQL.


Check the alert’s mountpoint label.

Mitigation #

For the case that the mountpoint label is /, /sysroot or /var; then removing unused images solves that issue:

Debug the node by accessing the node filesystem:

$ NODE_NAME=<instance label from alert>
$ kubectl -n default debug node/$NODE_NAME
$ chroot /host

Remove dangling images:

# TODO: Command needed

Remove unused images:

# TODO: Command needed

Exit debug:

$ exit
$ exit