BackupsNotCreated #
Meaning #
Restic Robot couldn’t create data backups.
Impact #
Data consistency can be at risk.
Diagnosis #
Check logs of restic-robot application.
Mitigation #
Application logs should point to what needs to be done. In most cases it is because restic respoitory is locked and needs to be unlocked.
How to unlock restic repository #
- Have
binary installed - Import environment variables from
secret associated with the failing job/deployment.
export secret="restic-repository"
export $(kubectl get secret "$secret" -ojson | jq -r ".data | to_entries|map(\"\(.key)=\(.value|tostring|@base64d)\")|.[]")
- Execute
restic unlock
- Unset environment variables.
export secret="restic-repository"
unset $(kubectl get secret "${secret}" -ojson | jq -r ".data | to_entries|map(\"\(.key)\")|.[]")